Tag Archives: ministry

Feed My Sheep

As Jerred will tell you if you ask him, he never intended to start a ministry. He simply was being obedient to the prompting of the Lord in his life to “feed My sheep.” Jerred truly did not understand why God wanted him to feed the homeless. He persisted in asking God, “Why the homeless?” The answer that Jerred received was this: “My army captains are held up in bondage and in homelessness.”

I’m reminded of Gideon or Deborah from the old testament. These were people who weren’t expecting to lead people into battle, but it happened. We all need to be reminded sometimes that God looks at the inward man and not the outward.

The other thing that really stands out to me is this: if there is a call on your life and you choose not to answer God, he doesn’t just find someone else! Look at God pursuing people that are living on the streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma to fulfill the plan that He has for them! How many people will suffer if you don’t do what God has called you to do?

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